May 28, 2021
On this episode, an interview with Sanjay Patnaik, director of the Center on Regulation and Markets at Brookings and the Bernard L. Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Development. He discusses the mission of the center, and also talks about his own research on topics like climate resilience and carbon pricing. Also on...
May 21, 2021
In his new book, “Middle Class Shanghai: Reshaping U.S.-China Engagement,” Brookings expert Cheng Li, who directs the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings, argues that American policymakers should not overlook the dynamism and diversity in present-day China, exemplified by the city of Shanghai and...
May 14, 2021
A discussion on criminal justice reform with Rashawn Ray, a David M. Rubenstein Fellow in Governance Studies at Brookings, and Brent Orrell, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who led the Brookings-AEI Working Group on Criminal Justice Reform. The working group issued the report “A better...
May 7, 2021
More than one in ten mothers of young children left their jobs due to child-care responsibilities at some point in 2020. That’s one of ten facts in a new report from The Hamilton Project at Brookings titled, “Ten economic facts on how mothers spend their time,” which is the theme of this Mother’s Day weekend...