Jan 28, 2022
Carol Graham, the Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow and director of research in Global Economy and Development, who is an expert on a range of issues related to happiness, the economics of well-being, and America's crisis of despair, talks about her new research on brain health and its connection to the economy and health,...
Jan 21, 2022
Senior Fellow Michael O'Hanlon discusses some of the most challenging foreign policy issues facing the United States today, from Russia to China, from Afghanistan to the Middle East.
Show notes and transcript: https://brook.gs/359XUsH
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Jan 14, 2022
Is America's democracy failing and putting the U.S. economic system at risk? That’s the question in the title of a new report from Governance Studies at Brookings and the States United Democracy Center, co-authored by Brookings senior fellows Bill Galston and Elaine Kamarck. To discuss the report’s...
Jan 7, 2022
This is the Brookings Cafeteria podcast's seventh annual look at the top economic issues of the coming year. And discussing the state of the U.S. economy, inflation expectations, and more is David Wessel, senior fellow and director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings.
Show notes and...